
By emmacooperx

Poisson d'avril

Easter Monday and April Fool's Day on the same day, and yes, I felt like a fool for a lot of the day.

Woke up early, showered, went back to bed. Best layed plans and all that. Headed over to Shadi's for a breakfast of epic proportions. Steak, bacon, 12 eggs, onions, potatoes. Luckily the three boys ate most of our creation so that I only had to pick at the edges of their manly feast! Had to head off early after goodbyes.

Went to meet Serge and Danielle - friends of Maryline who took me to Maryline's for Easter lunch with Maryline's parents (who for the record are very difficult to understand!) Having not had much sleep, I didn't feel like eating or socialising so although I understood the majority of what was being said, it would be to assume that I had no idea. Was not overly impressed when Maryline made me play the clarinet to everyone after the aperetif!

We started with a mexican themed apero and we made tequila sunrise - which Philippe measured out with a medical syringe, much to our amusement. We then ate Maryline's homemade foie gras - possibly the most amazing thing I have ever tasted! Follow this with roast lamb and cheese board and I would have been very content if I had been feeling better than I was. I drank a coffee which managed to wake me up just enough to leave the house!

After eating we visited a castle for an Easter Egg Hunt, which was actually pretty fun. It was nice to talk to people a bit more on a one-to-one basis which wasn't really possible at the dinner table. We headed home for two amazing cakes and to see Maryline's holiday photos from Mexico - made me really want to travel!

Arrived home around 9 and still had lesson planning to do - I thought bank holidays were meant to be time off!

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