
By Fusciagroan

house hound

I'm going to write a rocking alien love song and then put it on you tube, and then before you know it I'll have more friends than anyone ever, ever, ever dreamed remotely possible ~ especially considering I hardly ever leave the house...

oh welcome to the inter galactic, multi dimensional 21st century age of technology, if you think this is something just you wait until 2103...

well as far as technology and my camera are concerned I am frustratingly lagging far behind ~ the battery life of the camera is less than 30 minutes, fortunately I have 2, so whilst one is in the camera the other is charging... the date is stuck on 1st Jan 2002... I think that was when I acquired the finepix, which incidentally way back then was state of the art...

it is said technological advances double every 18 months...

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