Struggling Trees

I know this view has been a frequent sight, but I like to take this shot from our porch periodically as things keep changing. Several of the bare trunks and straggling branches in this picture are on the property next door. I had a conversation with the tree cutter about the possibility of cutting down the one in the middle down by the fence. He agreed that it should come down and said that he would be back tomorrow. Language is often a problem, but I did find out that his little white dog, who was getting acquainted with Spike by barking furiously at him through the fence, is called Patron. I’m not too sure about anything else…

I don’t know who is responsible for the big mound of dirt, or how it got there, but I’m hoping it gets pushed down and leveled. On the other hand, the silence that has descended since the earth moving phase appears to have come to an end, or at least paused, is indeed golden.

It’s been a golden day, at least what I can see of it from my recumbent position on the couch. Instead of getting better, my back got worse during the night and I lay there wondering why and feeling sorry for myself. It helped just to get out of bed in the morning, but my upright hours have been limited.

Just as I was beginning to feel like putting up a few decorations, writing cards and doing some shopping, it is I who has been leveled. I did manage to creep about with a broom before the workers come back tomorrow to mess everything up again…they really do tidy up quite well at the end of each day. I’m just looking forward to seeing it finished.

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