
By Lizimagiz

First Light

Dawn today was in complete contrast to the glorious display of yesterday morning. A clear destined to be blue sky with only a tiny insignificant bit of cloud.
I was off out with the dogs well before sun-up. Silence abounded with magpies being the first to raise their voices in praise of the coming day.
We did a long walk with intentions of sussing out a nice scene to blip when I spotted the sunlight just peeping over the hills to the east of the Taylor River. The light touched the parched ridges with gold making for a dramatic contrast with the green of the vines in the foreground.
I waited, took a shot, waited, took a shot, waited and took a shot until I felt reasonably satisfied with the amount of golden light caressing the ridges. Here it is... here is my blip I thought.
The dawn may have been bland but we have gone on to have a beautiful warm day which feels more like Summer than mid-Autumn!
Hopefully we will have some rain later this week.....

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