So Desperate

I'm about to give these a try !!!
Not really.:) Deborah brought them to give to Coco.What on Earth for? 
Well she goes mad when the postman comes to the door!!!
That's what dogs do !!!!!
She nearly jumps through the TV when the Coronation street music comes on and the cat appears.She's not getting any given when she's here.
I took her out early in the cold,dark and wet day.
Came back and my huge bandage came off so I'll try not to bash it as its very sore.It was OK for it to be removed today.
14 days until I have it checked.
I've finally sorted everything out for the Village Christmas lunch on Tuesday.
There's fewer members going this time but it didn't happen at all last year so it should be good.
I'll try not to be such a Drama Queen from now on ;) You wish !!!! ;) x

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