Wahoo! 200 Blips!

Two hundred! Two hundred days in a row of blipping and loving each and every day of it. The people I've been able to connect with are most valuable to me. The discipline that it has taught me is helped both my writing and my photography. The addiction is undeniable.
I was going to doing something creative with the number 200 for my Blip but I just couldn't pass up a day photographing something beautiful. Colors make me happy and these little Venetian glass candies are not only colorful but I great memory trigger to the wonderful trip I had to Venice 20 years ago! It seemed more meaningful to have a personal item represent my very personal journey over the past two hundred days with Blipfoto.
All of you who comment on my journals and photos are appreciated more than you can ever know. I feel so fortunate to share my blips with you and to also be able to see a little slice of your lives each and every day. I laugh often and I'm impressed always by your great stories and photos and look forward to the next day to do it all over again. It's like reading a really great book that never has to end.

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