In White

The weatherman came
through with his threat of snow for
us - I've been sweeping!

I was up all too early, had my breakfast and determined there would be no sunrise. So, I rolled back into my lovely bed for some more sleep. When I woke up at 10:30, there was that white stuff decorating my deck!

Before I would venture out I needed to clear off my driveway. It was -3 C with the snow coming down. My jacket and toque were wet when I was done, so I had to change outerwear before I left the yard. 

I drove very cautiously out of the cul de sac, not certain what the road conditions were. I discovered a large moving van in the middle of the road just past the corner. I had to navigate carefully around it and watch for the sand truck/snow plow that was coming towards me. The road was a bit slippery. 

I decided I'd have another look at McArthur Island again today. The roadway there was also slippery. A local was having fun spinning circles in the parking lot there. I parked near the Butterfly Garden and walked the path to the north entrance. The mallards were in great number but very quiet and trying to find food in the snowy landscaping. I've heard of crop circles but I'd not heard of ice circles. For whatever reason, the slough has a number of circles of open water in the thin ice. We've received about an inch of snow in the wee hours of this morning. It is interesting to see how it changes the landscape as it decorates the vegetation and affects the wildlife. The ducks had made footprints everywhere in their hunt for food. 

I was careful driving around the park and even more careful driving up the hill to home. The sun began to shine through the cloud just as I was driving into the garage. My last photo is of my mountains taken from my deck. It's turning into a lovely day, in spite of the snow. 

I'm home with my cottons and my sewing machine. I'm happy to remain. I had an appointment to sign some papers re my friend's will, but I've cancelled not wishing to drive across town and up and down hills. It will wait. 

We have a forecast of a mix of sun and cloud  today with a high of 1 C and a low of -5 C overnight.  

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