A good way to get me up is to give me a broken bed that I fear will break more the longer I'm on it. It worked a treat.

Breakfast with everyone, packed the car (to the brim), drove to Scotters, stopped for a coffee in a place which didn't really cater for caffeine or dairy free people - so I sat there, bought food, packed it on top of us in the car, got to Dunbar and... got lost.
Mum and Phil had to try and find out where we were staying as we didn't have an address... mum walked into the police station and said "I'm looking for a holiday home". Classic. Bet she looked like a right nut job. We finally got some directions as Phil took a picture of someones ipad who had googled it for him. Such a faff.

We eventually found our little house, it's great. We unpacked and then went for a walk. It's so nice around here. We walked by the sea and then started climbing the rocks. It got a bit treacherous for me. Then we walked through a golf course and did the classic Clare family search for golf balls for Phil.

Came back to an amazing lamb roast by dad, a few games of dutch blitz and a game of scrabble. Man, I love family holidays.

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