The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Low light

What can I tell you about today? That I got up at 7 so I could fix my laptop by 10.30? Ha ha. We didn't fix it. I think it's fairly unfixable and the battery is dead, anyway.

GG called around at 10.40 and we zoomed down to my nursery to pick up a Christmas tree and decorations, then whipped back to St Laurence's church to assemble the tree for the Christmas tree festival. GG even roped in some passing women to help us! The tree was not so much 'decorated' as 'had things thrown at it', but I had to walk to the kids' school and be there by 12, so there wasn't even time for a coffee afterwards (the nursery children's decorations are on Monday's blip).

Had a lovely but exhausting session with the twins. They are so much more cuddly now, and like to snuggle up while I read them stories on the indoor bouncy castle, which is a squishy experience. We also made potato prints. One of the boys is in his Green Period, and painted most of the kitchen green, but he did choose another project from my book of nature ideas, for another time.

Walked home afterwards, via various places where I had to drop things off/pick things up/try things on. CleanSteve had managed to find me a brand new laptop at a special Black Friday price, but I had to order it today. Did I mention that I lost my purse on Monday evening? I've had no bank cards all week. Highly inconvenient. Fortunately the new credit card arrived today, so I took a deep breath and ordered the laptop. Should get it on Monday. Cost me less than three months worth of childminding: yes, really! Let's hope it lasts. The childminding AND the laptop, that is.

After that I was so tired of deadlines and urgency (this week has been crazy, another nursery colleague has CoVid, and a key member of our team resigned last week for personal reasons) that I had to go to bed for an hour just to try and calm down with some music. My head was about to explode. It would have made a mess on the ceiling...

Cooked supper when I got up again. This was followed by a long, long bath. Finally finished my book club read, only two days late, but the forum is online so I didn't miss an actual meeting. That's handy.

I haven't even blipped for yesterday or written much this week. Please excuse me. It's December. Only two more weeks till the end of my term!

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