One Chance

Brought the CDs down from the loft today and put them back on the shelves. Went through them all first to see if any could be discarded, but only came up with a dozen or so that we were no longer bothered about listening to. Which left over 750 to put away, and if you look closely at the third slot in on the next to bottom row, you will see there is a space about one CD wide between the end of the named artists and the start of the compilations.
That’s right, I can only buy one more CD before I have to start implementing a “one in, one out” policy for all future purchases. Buying another storage unit is not an option because we literally have no room in which to put it. And not buying any more CDs is also not an option because I love my music and am always looking out for new artists to listen to, as well as any new releases from my favourite bands and solo artists.
I know that I should embrace the digital age and just download everything, but I still like the whole experience of unwrapping a new CD, reading the booklet and then slipping it into the player (usually the car these days) and settling down to listen. There is, of course, the option of keeping half a dozen CDs in each car at any one time, which will free up a bit more space on the shelves, but it only delays the inevitable by a few more months. It also means a massive reshuffling effort every time you change what is in the car for something else! But those few months might just buy me enough time to think of an alternative storage solution, that doesn’t involve building an extension!
Having put them all away, I returned to the gym for the first time in almost a fortnight. It looks like all the effort moving furniture around in the last week or so has had a beneficial effect, because I managed PBs on all the exercises. Who needs weights when there are bookcases and big boxes of CDs to move around the house!

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