Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Helleborus Niger

Helleborus Niger flower essence helps people to understand and accept circumstances that cannot be changed, which is why it is used to come to terms with ageing. It helps you to see the spiritual impact of ageing so that time becomes an ally rather than an enemy. If you feel depressed about getting older then this is a wonderful essence to help you reach a more balanced state of mind.

It's not in flower at the moment but I had to blip it because today I have aged a little more. Today is my 37th blip and my 37th birthday. Life imitating art or blip imitating life?

I'm not sure if I'm depressed about ageing. I feel poised half way between girl and old biddy, and I inhabit both worlds with equal ease. Equally happy to wear a Top Shop denim mini skirt (a bit muttony at my age?) and drink cups of tea in the pub (a bit sad at my age?) Equally happy camping at a music festival or eating cakes in a country house garden.

Some friends and I decided a while ago that you need to own a house, be married, have at least one child and a dog to qualify as a woman. None of us had managed all four and that filled us with glee because none of us wanted to be women then.

At the wise old age of 37 it feels different. I think you become a woman when you stop wishing you were a girl.

P.S. I got a camera for my birthday - thank you gorgeous Andy - and it does mega mega zoom things so I am giddy!

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