Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

World of Water

At last, the sun came out and the world looked a lot better.
I went for a long cycle ride this afternoon, stopping off to look at the <nerd alert> construction site for the wonderful new bridge</nerd alert>. I also managed to get some smashing shots of a few cormorants (see Flickr link).

Next stop, Cafe Zomerlust, where I sat in the sunshine and had a coffee, slice of apple cake and huge dollop of cream.

Then onto a large landscaped park, just out of town at a place called Moerenburg. I stopped off at this lovely, tranquil water pavillion.
Here are some more photos here of the rest of the park, and Tilburg itself.

It's been a mixed bag of a weekend, and I've got a stinking cold to boot, my bed beckons shortly I think!

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