Tom 11/30/20
i can hardly believe it has been a year - it can easily feel more than a year. so much more understanding of the biggest things, the most difficult and most wondrous pieces, of life and death. - so grateful for all the warm words, checking in, virtual X's and hugs. - so grateful.
the plan was to launch more ashes in the willow boat i made, in the extra. the wind had other plans, off shore strong waves in our faces so we made a hole in the rocky shore, and added more of his ashes to the pebble pile, marked it with a large rock, and toasted him and us with a bit of Scotch. me and our combined daughters and son-in-law amazing friends and support and people. so grateful.
i look forward to tomorrow, everyday will be new. i need new. that feels kind of exciting, new does.
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