I am camera

By Martinski

While looking for something else, I found this...

... in my scapbook. Three or four years ago when I was an Oxfam volunteer, I got involved in an Oxjam concert. The idea of Oxjam, was to put on a gig to raise money for Oxfam, a charity that was already involved with music. I worked with a buddy to put the concert on. I'd never been a promotor before, but I really enjoyed doing it.

My buddy said that a girl who'd worked in the shop called Saffron, was an accomplished Gaelic singer. She was a Godsend, because there was a danger that we'd mainly be old fogies.  She was wonderful and and got the night off to a great start. The Inverness Courier rightly decided that she was more photogenic than the two organisers (Bottom left.) We got about thirty people, but felt that this was just a marker for the following year. Alas we didn't do it again because my friend dropped out for personal reasons, and I didn't want to do it alone. Now that feels like a great shame. I'm often asked if I'd work in the shop again. No. But I'd do Oxjam if there was some support for it.

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