Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Goodbye girl

One of the few people I know that is tall enough that they can look me in the eye. And she can certainly drink me under the table. At one point tonight she was walking around with a pint in each hand.

A good turnout for a leaving do on a Monday  night in the middle of winter with covid on the brink of a third year and  in it’s umpteenth variant.  But then she was a very popular colleague. One of the best. Time to go get a new life …

Talking of covid variants: Omicron. Sounds like a cheap watch from the Soviet era. Got people rattled ‘though.  The straw that breaks the camel’s back … which is a pretty ghastly metaphor when you think of it. But then it’s been a pretty ghastly couple of years …

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