It's a Sign
At the top of the road the snow was still in place. Within an hour the sky was totally grey and a brisk north-west wind set in. Every vestige of now has now gone. Whilst CMC was away at the dentist in Stromness the Country Club Vice President called from her Easter Ross lair for an update. For some reason, whilst picking up the phone, I knocked the modem onto the floor and it came into several parts* and, at the same time, I stood in a dish of cat food I’d just put out (at Bibs’ request). Coincidentally Wattie is going into his dentist in Nairn for a major consultation on 1st December – you hear it all here – don’t touch that dial.
*The first thing that CMC asked me was why had I taken the modem apart. And I still can’t get the hang of hospital corners.
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