Kings Lynn 0 Aldershot 1

What a fabulous day! Gary and I drove up to Kings Lynn where we left the car at the hotel and took a taxi to the Marriotts Warehouse where we had lunch with Roy, Heather, Tim, John and Bill from the Midlands.  We were briefly joined by two other groups of Shots fans in the pub and had a great chat with them before they headed off to find as many pubs as they could before kick off.  We finished our food in a more leisurely fashion and headed off to the ground in the torrential wind and rain.  We were particularly pleased to find a roof available for the 150 or so away fans that made the trip.  The game was pretty dull and uninspiring, but Alfy Whittingham popped up at the far post late on in the game to head the ball into the net and the Shots ran out 1-0 victors to record our third consecutive victory.

Whilst many of the other fans scooted off to their cars or trains, Gary and I made our way (through the torrential wind and rain) to a pub where we might have had a couple of beers before we went to the pub next door where we might have had a couple of more beers with our tea.  We then went to find a different pub and went round Kings Lynn in circles before ending up very cold and wet at the place where we had had lunch.  We had a warming whisky whilst we tried to call a cab, but when the taxi company said it was going to be two to three hours before they could get to us, the manager of the bar very kindly gave us a lift back to the hotel.  Kings Lynn has entered my top ten list of favourite English towns as in addition to the wonderful history and lovely buildings, the people are amongst the nicest I have come across.  And I'm particularly grateful for the three points that they let us come away with!

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