Murder in the front room

I woke early and went downstairs. I often don’t put any lights on, just sit peacefully looking at my iPad :-D. Tinks curled up on my lap and as I stroked her I could feel something on her fur (dried blood I found out later). I turned the torch on my phone to look at her fur (as she was on my lap I didn’t want to get up to turn lights on) and then was greeted with a scene of horror. I shot up then! It was everywhere! This photo doesn’t do it justice and only half of it.  Her paw had opened up again. I got Mr C up to help bandage her paw and then I set about cleaning.  Then I ran out of the stain remover spray so sent Mr C off to Asda at 7 in the morning to get some more. Only he couldn’t get the same so what he got wasn’t doing a great job.

I rang the vets once they were opened and took her along for them to dress. We talked about our options too and as this is going to be recurring, I think the best thing to do is go for amputation. Something to discuss with the family.  

Five minutes after taking the photo of me holding her, she managed to shake the bandage off.  I have to say it was incredibly big and bulky and I wasn’t surprised. (After I had gone to bed Mr C and Lucy redressed it as it had started bleeding again and was dripping everywhere apparently).

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