Happy 3rd Birthday Fluffy Legs

Our Little Barking Fluff Ball is 3 today. I made her a carrot, tuna and banana cake that she was very happy with. Happier than wearing a Party Hat!

This morning we went to see an Ugly House. Id seen it online a few weeks ago and couldn't get it out my head so thought we should go and see it. We have both done a couple of drive pasts. The house was a bit bigger than I was expecting which was good. There is potential to extend and renovate but the garden is North facing. Will that bother me??? Not sure. Anyway - we put in an offer a bit below the asking price and will see what they come back with. Nail biting stuff but Im trying not to get my hopes up or get too stressed!!

Daughter Number 1 is staying for a few days. She's feeling a bit rough with a cold and a bit down about living so far away and wants to move back here. After her tearful day yesterday, she seems a bit brighter today and is researching solutions. She has a flat and they just are not shifting at the moment.

We popped to see Daughter Number 2 and Baby J. He was very vocal and smiley today. I fed him his Gaviscon and he fell fast asleep on me like a little Koala and I managed to get him to stay asleep back in his nest giving DN2 a break.

Back home for sausage casserole and a feeding frenzy with Matty M. He is totally loving his food and just giggles every time he sees me!!

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