Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Good news and bad news…

Well, we hardly noticed Storm Arwen in the city, but three people have been killed by falling trees and thousands of homes without power in other parts of the country. All calm and bright this morning.

I took Archie out with his plastic foot round the block. He’s getting quite fast on it, and you could almost imagine there’s a small pony clip-clopping along behind you.

Then just before midday (Emergency Vet territory!!) we took him to have his bandage removed and wound examined.

The bandage has been removed. GOOD. 

But he now has to wear the Cone of Shame. BAD.

Till NEXT MONDAY - ie more than a week! VERY BAD.

Back home and Elizabeth came to collect him, though no big walkies for them today. We met up with Pip’s parents for lunch in Argyle Place. 

You know how you enthuse about a place to all and sundry… and then when you take people there it isn’t quite as wonderful as it has been every other time you’ve been before? It was one of those days. However, we had a enjoyable time, despite the food being a tad disappointing.

Archie just stands still with the Cone on. He won’t move. His ears are squashed flat, and I’ve realised who he reminds me of - Basil Brush! Abi has brought round a blow-up neck tube for Archie, which will be much better for sleeping than the Cone of Shame. Thanks Pip.

The new Omicron COVID variant is a worry. Flights have been stopped from (currently) ten countries, but really it could already be everywhere anyway. 

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