
By BanksiaMan

On the road

We left Canberra this morning and started the two-day drive home. This photo shows part of the Motorway system around Sydney - we're about to enter what the Sydney roads' authority calls the NorthConnex Tunnel. 

The best part of our day was meeting two of our oldest friends for lunch in their Sydney home.

It rained gently all day. We're not complaining - the eastern half of Australia is experiencing a La Nina summer and many places have had lots of rain. There have been fatalities. Some farmers, who were very close to harvesting a bumper grain crop after years of drought, have lost it all. We feel for all those affected.

We're staying tonight in a motel in the small town of Bulahdelah, and hope to be home in Lennox Head tomorrow. 

I apologise for not commenting on journals tonight - I hope to get to them tomorrow.


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