Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

La Taverna Real

A good day in Madrid. The assessment in the school was all great - well-run course by knowledgeable and caring trainers and very satisfied trainees.  I was taken to lunch by the Head of Teacher Training (a fellow Scot I discovered) and the two trainers and because all the documents are digital these days, I had actually done most of the work at home that usually has to squeezed into the day itself in situ and going through the trainees' - making it an easier day, but I spent more time on it. It was VERY strange to be back in a school again and especially in a classroom observing teachers. I wondered why the first teacher hadn't changed the pairs of students during her lesson, then realised - no moving around at all. The trainers said that the trainees had commented while observing videos of experienced teachers, 'Oh look, they're all swapping bits of card and moving around the room, mingling!'. Interesting that they noticed! 

Bb and I met up at the end of my working day and had a drink near the school and then meandered back to our new accommodation, our usual place when in Madrid, and to where Bb had moved to earlier in the day.  A walk out, after I'd dropped my laptop and work stuff off and then had some tapas here, La Taberna Real, just 2 mins from the hostal. Just for the record, this place is usually very busy and where you see the tables for two round the bar, this is usually reserved for people standing drinking and having tapas. We got a table near the door. Good to give them our business as usual, but it wasn't the same. It's a bit of an institution in Madrid this place, and it's the customers' job to engage with the waiters rather than the other way round! 

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