
By soozsnapz

My Christmas cactus

Always flowers in November and April. It must have a hundred flowers - but is a really difficult subject to photograph. This is my best one:-/ At least it shows the lovely silky white strands that protrude from the flower, and the one long pink thingy. I’m ashamed to say I don’t really know about the anatomy of flowers.
The news is full of the asylum seekers who drowned - the government in the form of Priti Patel is blaming the French, and acting like the task is to put the people smugglers out of business. Not mentioning that the ONLY way to claim asylum in the UK is to arrive in the UK. Why not open a British consulate in Calais to process claims. And do it fairly. A brief listen to the details of the people who tried to cross yesterday reveals their connections to the UK. Afghan (war and promises) Iraqi (war and promises) Sudanese (british empire) Somali (British empire) The British government is causing the deaths, drownings and hardships - including those who live in Calais for years with nothing, just hoping to cross. I’m SO ANGRY - can you tell:)

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