Cheerful - on an ‘ouch’ day

Today was an ‘ouch’ day! I started by realising at 9.03 that my hair appointment was at 9am today not my usual 9.30 - and I was still in my PJs! Made it to the hairdresser’s at 9.12 - its not far away - and was out by 9.30 as I only needed a very quick trim.
We went to the doggie play park earlier than usual at 11.15 -12.15 which was lovely then lunch and off for a 3pm appointment for the breast screening - ladies will know this is a definite ‘ouch’! As the mobile unit was in  Sainsbury’s car park I thought I may as well fill up with diesel - at £1.40 a litre - ‘ouch’ again (but it would have been £1.56 if I had filled up at BP on the bypass !) On the way home I popped into a friend’s for a cuppa and she had this lovely tub of golden Chrysanthemums outside her door - and when I left there was a lovely sunset too - so the day ended on a cheerful note.

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