
There have been complaints to the kitchen department of the house recently about the variety (or lack thereof) of puddings on offer.  So I decided to rectify the problem this evening, baked apples and custard went down an absolute treat, I put some mixed spice in them, so coupled with the beef and red wine stew I rustled up, the house smelt delicious this evening! Tried to get a good picture of the eldest mine-sweeping the bowls as I was about to do the washing up, but the lighting isn't very good. 

I thought I had an unproductive day, but on reflection it wasn't too bad.  Run, replaced a zip in a dress for our neighbour (pesky task), sorted some details for an event I'm organising then got on with some work.  As well as the dinner effort.

Very tired eldest at the moment.  Clingy when I drop him off and shattered when collected.  Tears at school because I forgot his football boots, so tired he spent an hour playing in goal at football. Tears from the youngest when I collected him as I was at a different door and he thought I'd gone without him (poor love). 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Beautiful bright morning for a run (but very cold)
Being lazy and taking the car to collect the eldest from his tutor - I'd forgotten he had left his muddy trainers in the car, so was shoeless! 
Having to wake both boys this morning, they are really needing their sleep at the moment. 

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