and through the wire...

By hesscat

Arniston Bridge #14

Ooh, 2 in a week... it's getting so cold! So we are continuing up Redside Burn (like I said, it is a river) to the old Carrington Mill bridge I referred to when blipping its replacement #11. I have blipped this one before, pre-challenge, and Mrs C blipped it with me clearing a side river just last week. I was disappointed to see my new channel was clogged up with leaves, I will need to return with a new plan of action!

The parapets from this bridge were moved to #11, meaning it's just gone wild on the top, it's like a tree lined avenue as you can see in the bottom centre photo. There are trees growing out the side, major damage on the right side and bottom left, and yes, we walked over it! I have no idea how long this will last, probably a long time, longer than me. The water was too deep for Arlo to play trolls, so we played stick fetch a lot.

I think one more bridge up this burn river... I say bridge...

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