Godparent gifts

Mitch mopped the floor yesterday using only pure concentrated cleaner, so I remopped today as our feet were sticking everywhere we went, ha!
A morning with the English speaking church guys...always good. I got a lift back to town with a guy who just had his book published yesterday - The Ramblings of a Scatterling...his memoirs from his travels. 
Asha enjoyed coming home to this gorgeous gift from her godmum, Julia. It's the silver chain with blue flowers...very very pretty. 
Tonight I saw Letesia which was good. I'd not seen her since I did her pics in Palma. Good to catch up. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha and Nate making videos for their cousins, and getting videos back. I'm glad they feel close even though they have next to no time together. 
2) Asha having kind and interested (& invested) godparents.
3) A brilliant podcast I listened to as I got ready this morning - Ruth Haley Bartons new Advent series, 

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