Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Cosy toes

Really pleased with my new slippers.  Not so keen on the bows (not me!) but they look too difficult to remove.
Things have calmed down a bit in the charity shop and for the first time for ages I did not have to bring any Christmas things home to sort and price.
3 of the lunching ladies expressed a wish to go to the local pantomime, so guess who got the job of booking it?  Managed to get some pretty good seats for the four of us, albeit one seat in the row behind the others and then one of them rang to say her daughter would like to go too so went on line again and managed to get a seat next to the odd one.  Phew!.  Meant she had to pay another booking fee  but that is the price you pay for dithering!
Think I will need my , as yet unworn, new fleecy lined trousers for the Green Gym tomorrow and I must find my warm hat as the forecast is looking a little chilly.

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