
By JeanSnaps

Borrowed gold.

Up early again but no sunshine. I concentrated on cleaning the kitchen and taking Christmas things out the loft.  Not sure if I need to buy more wrapping paper etc.   My groceries and I went through my usual rigmarole with the driver.  I ask them to put the boxes on the top step. They do so but explain I would be better having them inside the door as I wouldn't have to stoop so far when transferring the contents.  Eight out of ten drivers have been telling me this most weeks for nearly two years.  It's like Chinese water torture. Do they really think I don't know I have to stoop further ?   Why don't they just do as I've asked and leave it at that.  Can they bend over, keep their knees straight and lay their hands on the floor ?  I can. I rest my case.
Later I went to Charlottetown gravel pit and had a walk. It's best in the morning as the trees screen the sun before it sets but I got one shot I liked.  Coming home I caught sight of the clouds and setting sun at East Lomond so stopped for an extra.
My geranium scent had been delivered while I was away and had been left with Emma so I fetched it.  Courtney's eyes lit up when she saw the box.  Was it a present ?   Was she getting one ?  Emma told her it was bad manners to ask for presents but I can see she is still hopeful.  Pleased I bought the scent.  It's just what I hoped it would be and not even expensive.

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