The lambs on the green hills ...

... they sport and they play

A busy day - up in the dark - again - and ready for the plumbers. I didn't linger but headed off to Ballydehob for an Irish lesson - the first one in nearly two years. I've joined the beginners' class again and although it seemed easy, when I opened my mouth it all went wrong! It is the most exhausting hour imaginable! 

Talking of Irish, Himself alerted me to an article by Manchán Magan who collects ancient and colourful Irish words - remember this photographic display  based on his work -how about this for a wonderful description:  gealóg bhuachair or  corn bunting, meaning ‘little bright one of the cowpat’.

This sight confronted me as I came over the mountain enroute home - plenty of wide for Wide Wednesday and the sheep are close(ish) together!! 

The house was warm on arrival home and the plumbers gone. Himself has been tidying out the hole left by the range and I had a general clean as everywhere was truly filthy. They've done a great job and didn't really chat or require tea!

The lambs on the green fields

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