In the Wild

In the Wild
Manage to fit in a bit of Nature Photography today. This cheeky chappy sat for quite a while in the front garden and let me get quite close to it :) - Its still there too.
Actually I was out most of the day in Cambridge, visiting David then onto Hobby Craft for Aidens Project (I was good :) and then the second of my third dental appointments. I did hunt around for A3 size polystyrene for Aiden to no avail.
Arrived home mid afternoon. I wanted to try my new lens that came yesterday, A Lensbaby Trio 28mm. It has three lenses built into the body very much like cine cameras back 'in the day' but instead of being different zooms this lens has three 28mm creative lenses, a 'Sweet 28 f/3.5' lens, a 'Velvet 28 f/3.5' lens, and a 'Twist 28 f/3.5' lens. The two photo today show the Sweet on the left and the Twist on the right. (Sounds like a sixties pop song)
I am  hoping to get out this weekend to give it a good go.

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