Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Best Cheesecake EVER!

Well it was a great catch up late this afternoon down at Mr and Mrs Isbi’s farm in the Megalong Valley for our Blackheath Photo Group.  It has been months since we’ve been able to meet up due to the latest Lockdown and it was wonderful.  This is quite a chaotic image, but front and centre was the most amazing Baked Cheesecake and it just happened to be Trisharooni’s contribution.  As you can see we did a pretty good job of demolishing it and the Pecan Pie in the background as well.  I’m sure the intermittent torrential rain falling on the tin shed added to the fun of it all and it was like the family was reunited once again.  

I have to admit, I love this group of people, it’s such an eclectic group and they’re all really great.  I have learnt so much from so many of them as they are so generous in sharing their knowledge of photography but that’s just one of the reasons I enjoy being part of it.  I realised tonight how much I’ve missed seeing them all face to face.  Zoom meetings just aren’t the same and I can’t wait for next year when we start meeting in our local hall once again.

By the way, Trisharooni mentioned that her blip tonight will be her 3825th blip, that’s 9 years of blipping.  What a mighty effort.  I have been checking in to make sure I don’t miss her post because I want to give her a big fat fave - congratulations my friend, you’re a blipping legend :)

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