
By KevinFoto

Super Sunday

Well this was to be the day that we captured the high speed ferry leaving Troon at Dusk, we did make it there on time but never realised how quickly she moved so far off shore. Not really happy with the result so will need to give it some more thought. Watch this space.

We had a great day today heading south to Cairnryan, Stranraer and Portpatrick. Some lovely scenery and interesting roads, including the ones with 6 foot snow drifts at the side of them. Instead of heading straight from Stranraer to Portpatrick we decided to head up the West shore of Loch Ryan and go round the long way.

On the way up we noticed the Stena Line Superfast VIII leaving the dock at Cairnryan. The race was on, not knowing the area we had to quickly find a spot on the headland to give us a view of the vessel as she rounded the land to head for Belfast.

After a couple of back road dead ends we came across the Corsewall Lighthouse at the very end of the headland. A perfect viewpoint to see the ship pass and a wonderful lighthouse itself.

And so todays blip sorted. As ever, better large.

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