twinned with trumpton


Now, where was I? (A recurring theme this year; sorry..!)

A Monday with kids to get to school and me to get out and do my day job. By 0915 I was in Stockbridge and underway; a cold sunny morning dodging about the New Town / Trinity / Fountainbridge. 

I managed a quick cuppa at Hers (and to drop of marrow / coconut soup, sourdough bread, and RTC bounty from Lidl - a 90p chicken was one of the things)

Then back out to do some more work; three doors down from the American Embassy was a highlight before some more prosaic calls and a Cigs find that needs investigating / railway trespassing* 

I got in as the sun faded and the cold started to seep into the fingers and toes on the bike; a hot mug of soup later and I was logged on but barely engaged. 

The sun did a brief reprise and then under cover of darkness, I set off to get tore into the 90p chicken (by now cooked and in need of a hummus / yoghurt / mint / lemon / sumac dressing and salad bits.

50km duly racked up, I wound up back home. That was Monday

*for legal purposes, I have to say I will use a drone to shoot the new discovery, but obviously I won't

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