Mell Fell
Another old friend. I think I’ve said before that the trees here are all such wonderful characters that I feel I should do portraits, Trees of Mell Fell, similar to Humans of New York or, more locally like Identity’s/Earthdreamer’s portraits.
It was a beautiful day but I lost a lot of it sorting under the stairs and then sorting broadband. After a while I got fed up and made some biscuits and went out to sort my tire pressure which had gone into shock having a car full of adults last week and then on for a tramp up Mell.
... later ... trawling through and burning loads of photos. Even so there are stacks I still can’t quite jettison just yet. So glad the only photos I have now are on blip.
My landlord has finally replied to my email giving notice and talked about how surprised he was to realise how long ago it was when we moved in and about the symbiotic relationship we have had. I think I might need to re-check the dictionary.
Desperately sad as I am to be leaving, the relief of being free of the power ‘over’ of ownership is palpable.
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