Full circle

Even though my official 3650 blips was on Thursday, my very first blip was posted on 21st Nov 2011 so based on calendar years today would be 10 years. My first blip was outdoor lounge furniture so today I went in search of more lounge furniture.
My extra is of my very first blip

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 41 new cases, 0 fatalities and 26 recoveries today.
Individuals vaccinated - 1,185,754
277,389 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has 237 active cases,  1 is receiving treatment,  2 critical  case.  1,394 deaths recorded.  277,389 recoveries.  Total tests done is  7,253,663

Singapore was one of several so-called Covid-zero countries that enforced some of the world's strictest measures to keep infections and deaths from the pandemic - at around 252,200 and 662, respectively - relatively low.
This year, it switched to a strategy of living with the virus as endemic. Around 94% of those eligible have been vaccinated, while 23% of the total population has received a booster shot.

New Zealand will adopt a new system of living with the coronavirus virus from December 3, which will end tough restrictions and allow businesses to operate in its biggest city, 
The country of 5 million has so far reported about 7,000 cases in all and just 39 deaths.
About 83% of eligible New Zealanders are fully vaccinated, while 88% have had their first shot.

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