It's all happening?!!...................

Don't you just love it when your whole life comes together?

Since the 23rd March 2020, when Boris said, 'You must stay at home'..................... our life changed dramatically and my human has been in a big depressing hole.

Her whole life, as she knew it, no longer existed.

In the last 18 months all she has done; is walk me for miles & miles & miles & miles. And watch hours & hours & hours of c*** TV.   And drink bottles & bottles & bottles of white wine. Actually that sounds like quite a nice life doesn't it????

My human still thinks that Scotland is miles behind England re getting out of this 'lockdown' thing. …...........She's not bothered re-joining her fitness club and as for swimming 4/5 times a week; well that's gone out the window too. Everything just seems such an effort???

Anyway, when we came back from Cornwall in October, we kept walking past 'Wilkies'. For those of you who don't live in Scotland, Wilkies is like a mini department store. There was an advert in the window for a sales assistant for 12 hours a week. Ann thought, I'd love to work there but I don't want a permanent job'. After 3 weeks the job ad was still there so she applied for it.

…..............Mmmmmm.................... not sure 'applied for it' was what she did??!! She sent them an email saying she didn't have a CV (because who cares what O grades she got in 1975), she told them not to give her a psychometric questionnaire to fill out because she'd fail. However she did tell them she'd more than 40 years of experience of working with the public (even though her last shop job was in 1977).

Long story short................................

She was interviewed by a lovely lady. Ie, proper face to face interview. Yay! Non of this video c*** asking stupid questions about 'what makes you a good team player', and 'describe an incident where you have exceeded the expectations of your role???'
Amazingly Ann got the job. Yay!!! Everywhere is desperate for staff. BUT working in a shop is actually quite hard these days. There is so much to learn. Ann's not sure her brain is up to it all.

Anyway she's done three shifts now. Not sure that she'll ever get to grips with the till (it's all a bit techy), but hey ho, she's loving her new role. It's such a lovely, lovely shop with lovely, lovely staff.

…................And the bestest thing ever..................... she told them she wanted to go to our home in Cornwall 4/5 times a year so my human is on a zero hour contract. Whoopeedooo.

Basically that means we can go to St Ives whenever we want.

Sooooo........... my human has got a job. That means she'll have more money to buy me treats.


PS - this is me at the top of Blackford Hill.  What a lovely day for a walk.

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