Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

The Eternal Question.....

which came first? The chicken or the egg??

Happy String Egg Fluffy Mini Egg Chicken Day blippers!! It's what christianity is all about.

I think this post comes very much into the category of Nothing to Do and All Day to Do It.

First of all you make sugar syrup, and dangle lots of yarn in it
Then you simply pop a couple of mini eggs into a small balloon and blow it up
You wrap the soaked string around the balloon and leave to dry for about four days
You pop the balloon and ruin your best eyebrow tweezers picking the teeny bits of popped ballon out from the sticky and now stiff yarn.

Then you think how very very cute they look and wish you had made more, but since it took you the best part of the four days they took to set to remove all trace of the sticky drips of sugar syrup from the kitchen table you decide against it. Shame.

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