The second half of life..

By twigs

Boulder Bank

Had a wonderful, cruisey day on and around the beach before heading back 'over the hill' and home in the afternoon.  Arrived home in time to have some tea and watch the news before heading off to the Boulder Bank to watch the partial eclipse.  It wasn't disappointing!  In the leadup to the eclipse though I'd spent some time taking some general pictures of the sun going down over the rocks, including a couple of feet drenchings from rogue waves.  In the end I preferred the rocks to the red moon, though just for the record,  I've posted my moon shot in extras.  It's my version of a Partial Eclipse.........when you only shoot part of it because you end up talking to someone else who's down to watch the moon and miss chunks of time so it appears to leap from just over half shadowed to around 90% shadowed!  Maybe it would be more accurate to call it a partial partial eclipse??

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