Hole in the cloud (2387)

Another morning of zooming around started with a wander up the hill with Sigyn at dark o'clock, then off to Tesco for the weekly shopping. Home to unpack and do a couple of bits round the house before zooming off to do a quick change of a radiator valve. Into town after that to have a look at a bathroom re-fit, then home again to collect Sigyn and head through to Stromness to Mum and Dad's. I kidnapped Evie the Wonderdog and took her and Sigyn a wander on the hills above Stromness. We were very lucky with the weather, it hosed down with rain as soon as I got back to the truck.
Back at Mum and Dad's there was just enough time for a very quick lunch before Dad and I settled down for an afternoon watching the rugby. A fine way to spend the afternoon whilst my beautiful wife was off doing hoss pedicures.

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