
By Brotographer

Gardens of the Past

Quite happy about this shot, constructive criticism welcome as always. Nobody dare tell me to straighten the damn horizon though.

Went south of Brussels to this old abbey today. The whole thing is in ruins, overrun by ivy. Quite an impressive complex, in the middle of calm forested hills. The red bricks look particularly good covered in plant life. Its called Abbaye de Villers. This photo is of the garden section of the complex, by far the best preserved part.

After that, we had lunch at a nice little local tavern. Let me say it again, I love Belgian beer so so so much. One day, I'll write a blip of all my favorite beers, which I recommend you have if you come here.
Then, my mom and me went for a walk in the woods for several hours with Uuna. She really needed to go for a good run and use up all the energy she's built up recently. Very muddy and snowy!
Back home, we went to drop off the rental van from yesterday and walked home, through some unexplored bits of Brussels. This town really has the funniest architecture and style. More on that some other time. I still haven't been able to take a photo that really captures the style properly. I also really need to bring the wide angle lens here next time!
Sidenote: this is the first time I don't use the 35mm in a LONG time. I can notice the difference in quality WAY too much.


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