Wild Wednesday ...

... wildlife abounds!

There was plenty of sunshine today ... with the occasional cloud!  But it wasn't all that warm.

Of course that didn't stop me from sitting out in the backyard surrounded by lots of wildlife.  So many great shots today that I simply had to put together this collage featuring a Blue Jay, Eastern chipmunk youngster, Dark-eyed Junco (yes, they're back!), and an Eastern gray squirrel.  

You may be wondering what the bottom right picture shows.  Our township has a leaf collector (a huge vacuum!) that comes around periodically to suck up all the leaves that home owners rake to the edge of the street.  And today was one of our collection days!  

Thanks to Cailleach for keeping Wednesday's wild and giving me a good excuse to waste spend time outside.  Sorry for the late entry ... backblipped Saturday, November 20.

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