A little calm

We marked, we invigilated exams, walked to our massage and relaxed. And then jumped on the bus for the trains are on strike and arrived for the MRI 30 mins early as requested. Time to enjoy the mural. After more than 1.5 hours of sorting out authorisation numbers, finding out it was two tests, not one and one with dye we got scanned. Xanax offered, and gratefully received, tears shed and told - don’t open your eyes - I survived! That last piece of advice was so helpful - for forty minutes I lay there with headset and music which doesn’t drown out the jackhammer noise - breathe, hold it, now you can breathe.
Took a while to get a taxi as it was 945pm and buses were on strike after 9pm.. dinner, Netflix bed. Collect results Tuesday and email to specialist.

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