Beaver Moon Setting ….

….. and sun rising to colour the peaks. I had gone down to the valley where the extra was taken, then part way up the mountain for this shot. I always find the moon “chase” exciting as the moon seems to accelerate towards the horizon, disappearing behind peaks and reappearing in valleys, always moving to the right. I have to guess which road to take and by the time I have the tripod out, done a few practice shots, the moon is often disappearing! Fortunately there weren’t many people around to see my dishevelled appearance this morning as I had slept in! 

Thanks for the good wishes for my hip which is feeling better today, and also the presents for yesterday’s evening reflections of the Dents du Midi.

An early blip as the rugby is on, followed by the Boardman Tasker Award this evening. A friend is about to arrive. Have a good weekend.

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