
Friday and recruitment, a proposal (no not that sort), some tech stuff and catching up with some people I met yesterday. All the while trying to work out what is up with the boiler.

It seemed to be getting more and more intermittent. Apparently there are two possible issues. 

1) The gas valve (£300 plus fitting)
2) The main circuit board (££00 plus fitting)

Speaking to the plumber he thinks we can get a refurbished gas valve for under £100 which he can fit in under an hour. I decided to see if I could get another circuit board so opened the boiler.... The board is easy to access and I think I could replace it in about 30 mins (no gas involved so I can legally do it). Currently waiting to head back from a supplier but a reconditioned one should be about £80.

Ironically since putting the boiler back together it has worked perfectly so I'm going to take the current circuit board out tomorrow and clean up all the connections, just to see if that helps. Exciting eh ;)

Pizza this evening from Lol's. Sophie now owns and runs it and was a great supporter of Hendstock so it was good to see her and catch up, they are already booked for Hendstock 11.

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