New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Cadzow Castle

P has had a nightmare week at work this week so we're both super looking forward to the weekend and he now has a week until he goes back to work.  He's been on nights and I thought he was setting an alarm to get up at 12 so thought I was being nice making him lunch and a coffee...but actually cut his sleep short by an hour.  Ooops.  We had a good lunch and went for a walk in the park and fed monkey nuts to the crows who seemed appreciative.  I'm fairly sure one recognised us on the way back and started squaking at us for more nuts (said crow was given more nuts).

Blip today is of Cadzow castle, the sign says that we're not sure why or when it was built, but it's unfortunatley in ruin, but has recently been cleared so now is much more visible.  Pretty cool to have a castle on your doorstep.

Today's Soundtrack: Radio Magallanes by Ibrahim Maalouf (ALL the trumpet)

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