
By Shutterlag

Rough Torr Retrospective.

The view from Brown Willy (suppress urge for school boy snigger) back to Rough Torr (pronounced Roe Torr)

Today I walked from Camelford to the Jamaica Inn across Bodmin Moor.

It was a great , though not too long, easy walk of about 7 miles. It was cold though, the car said it was 3 degrees, and the wind, a steady 25mph which was effectively about -3 degrees C.

Stone age round houses and neolithic remains scattered all over the place. Time Team had a 3 day dig up here a while back, so I had to come and see it. Amazing place. I was duly picked up at the Jamaica Inn by the dutiful other half. ( I have been well indulged this week, s I will have to make up for it ;-)

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