
By Blippingvicar

Easter cross

Happy Easter!

Just about recovered from an early start - up at 5 a.m. for our Sunrise Service. Of course we lost an hour this morning as well, with the start of British Summer Time, but it didn't feel too much like 4 a.m. It was a gorgeous morning - cold but clear - on which to bring our new Pascal Candle into church and await the news in our vigil that Christ had risen. Maybe the start of BST will also herald some warmer weather!

I had my camera with me this morning, but didn't really have chance to use with so much else that needed my attention. I popped back to church this afternoon to photograph some flowers - I think this display speaks volumes for the events we've celebrated this week-end. The light was lovely too, though a bit tricky. I'll investigate HDR when I've more time/energy!

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