State of play

I got a bit carried away there yesterday by the end of a long catch session. I did write a few more episodes of The Rovere’s Return but it was all getting quite dark, not to say incoherent. Thankfully this is a house that does not induce fear the way some can.

The scene here is rapidly changing. The high beech woods turned a few weeks back. The higher oak forests are also assuming a dullness but still hang onto their leaves. On the lower hills the colours blaze away after 18mm of rain yesterday.

The flu jab maybe left me feeling a little tired. I supported P with bothersome things that have come up in their house purchase. Amazingly Building Control had micro-fiched plans and approvals going back to 1970 so we were able to see what had gone on when a chimney breast was removed.

I did a bit of planting - two new hyacinths, a kind of low snowberry, pansies and strawberries. Then back to sorting out hopefully the near-to-last crooks and bends of Mum’s estate.

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