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By NessD

Beet box

London was carnage yesterday. Crazy busy. Someone should have put up the full sign.

The streets,coffee shops, buses, restaurants, galleries, museums. All full. And lots of people idling then stopping randomly. Or pushing through with no manners. It tested my tolerance which I have to admit probably wasn't at it's greatest yesterday anyway. K had managed a relatively relaxed wander around the National Gallery while I was at work. Mind you he'd got into town so early that he was waiting for it to open. Beautiful lunch at a Japanese place, abortive attempt to go to the Haywood Gallery (well we did manage the tiny free bit) and then a trip to the National Portrait Gallery where we fluked upon a Man Ray exhibition. We added in the contemporary section and started the Tudors but both our tolerance levels were over-exceeded by that point. I definitely need to go back to the historical sections, if only to address my weak spot (ok my weakest spot) for University Challenge!

I loved living in London but was definitely glad to get out last night. This morning we woke to blue skies and headed into town for the Farmer's Market. A busy one but positively sedate compared to yesterday. And now home for a lazy afternoon watching others exert themselves. First the Tour of Flanders and then the boat race.



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